Miss Riley

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Miss Riley's class of 1924/5
There are two item that relate to this, the first year Miss Riley taught at Barling school.

The photos of the IMPS does not have Miss Riley's writing, but the second item is a copy of what she wrote many years later.

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In Memory of Miss Riley

Presentation of green picnic table to Barling School 13 December 2000.

On 13 December 2000 several ex pupils of the old Barling School went to the morning assembly at the new Barling School for the presentation of a green picnic table.  Laurie Street spoke regarding the previous Barling school pupils reunions.  He said that the money raised from the 1996 reunion paid for two trees which he helped to plant, with the aid of some of the present school children, at Barling School.  He also said that the money raised from the 2000 reunion paid for the green picnic table.  This was donated in memory of Miss Riley, who had been a teacher for 41 years, from 1923 to 1964 at the old Barling School and who had passed away in March 2000 aged 95 years.


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