List of Inhabitants

The directory lists the names in the following order: Surname, First Name. It also abbreviates names. These have been reversed and typed in full to assist research.

Rev. Henry Malim, B.A., vicar
Rev. Samuel Oliver, (Independent)
Henry P Scott
George F. Brutton Willing, M.D.
George Alp, blacksmith
Thomas Bailey, builder
James Baker, shoe maker
James Banyard, baker
Henry Bennewith, wheelwright
Samuel Benton, farmer
William Bolding, cab proprietor
John Boreham, saddler and harness maker
Mrs. Susan Bradley, Bell PH
George Burgess, bricklayer
William Buxton, grocer and china and glass dealer
John Edmund Catmull, farmer
Mrs. Eliza Colegate, ladies' school
James Collin, cab proprietor
Robert Cooper, clock and watch maker
Thomas Dennis, tailor
Thomas Fellingham, linen draper
Samuel Frost, baker
Mrs. Sarah Fulcher, White Hart Inn
Abraham Gilson, baker and corn dealer
James Goodman, saddler and harness maker
John Gower, market gardener
Mrs. Eliza Guiver, Red Lion PH
Stephen Harvey, grocer and draper
William Harvey, stationer and post office
George Howard, barge owner
James Howard, hoyman
John Howard, barge owner
Thomas Hudson, farmer, Great Potton Farm
James Kemp, Anchor Inn
Wil1iam Mansfield, shoe maker
David Morrin, farmer, Wick
Mumford and Son, shopkeepers
William Norden, blacksmith
James Oliver, butcher
Isaac Olley, boot maker and clothier
Charles Palmer, shopkeeper
Henry Panton, farmer
William Parsons, farmer, Winters Farm
Thomas Pierce, veterinary surgeon
William Porter, baker
James Potter, farmer
Henry P Scott, surgeon
John Simpson, beer retailer
Edwin Smith, baker
Henry South, baker
Robert John Squire, grocer and draper
Samuel Taylor, boot and shoe maker and leather seller
John Thoroughgood, grocer
William Warren, butcher
William Watts, bricklayer
Alfred Wedd, farmer and landowner
Edward Arthur Wedd, Farmer, Landwick Farm
Thomas Wiggins, builder
George F. Brutton Willing, surgeon, medical officer of Rochford union, sur.geon to coast-guard and hon. Surgeon to the 7th Essex Rifle Volunteers
Mrs. Elizabeth Wright, shopkeeper
Robert Wyborn, shoe maker

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