2nd Great Wakering Sea Scout Group

Article by Brenda Mead (Former Cub Scout Leader)

31 January 2012

The Group was founded in 1964 as a Land Scout Group. In 1976 it was decided to change over to a Sea Scout Group as it seemed more appropriate considering how much water was nearby. The long process than began to find a suitable site for a Sea Headquarters.

Eventually Mr Frank Threadgold of Oxenham Farm said we could build our Headquarters on his land near to the water on the creek at Millhead Basin. John Mead, Group Scout Leader, together with members of the committee made application to Rochford Council for Planning Permission.

The main part of the building was obtained and was stored for almost 3 years. Finally permission was granted and building work commenced in 1981. Committee members and parents got together to fund raise by holding Jumble Sales, Barn Dances, Stalls at the Village Fair etc., and work carried on.

We also obtained a generous amount of £500 from the Marine Society (thanks to Mrs Fraser on the committee) who wrote numerous letters to various companies to raise funds. However, the Marine Society’s donation was the only amount received.

After much hard work the project was finished and on 11th June 1983 was officially opened by Mr R.M. Frampton retired Lieutenant Commander of the Marine Society. Since then the Scouts, Cubs and Beavers have been able to enjoy many water activities and hosted several District Events.

You can look at some of the photographs taken during the construction of the Sea Scout Group Headquarters by following this link: Photographs.

Sadly, Brenda’s husband John Mead passed away on Saturday 10th January 2015 after a long spell of ill health following a stroke just after his 65th birthday. Whilst he was able, John dedicated his life to supporting the Scout Group and instructed many school children through the years. He will also be remembered as one of the village’s finest carpenters who constructed many theatrical sets at the Old School for the Magna Players drama group, free of charge.

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